App Smartphone per telemedicina

Una applicazione dedicata alle esigenze di medici e piccole strutture mediche. Tutto il processo di configurazione e utilizzo è stato reso semplice ed intuitivo. Il processo di prenotazione degli appuntamenti è semplice e veloce.

Per il Paziente:

Registra & Accedi

You don’t need to move anything. We will do the job for you. You can even leave the computer at the door. We will pick up the computer and leave you a donation document.


Prenota Più Appuntamenti

Your old computer is in good hands, and so is your data. We will delete everything (so don’t forget to back up before pick up). Then we will fix and upgrade, and voilà, a brand new computer is born.


Visualizza Profilo Medico

Once a computer is ready, we are on our way to making a kid happy. The package will include a computer, accessories, and complete technical support.


Cartelle Cliniche

Once a computer is ready, we are on our way to making a kid happy. The package will include a computer, accessories, and complete technical support.


Cartelle Cliniche

Once a computer is ready, we are on our way to making a kid happy. The package will include a computer, accessories, and complete technical support.


Per il Medico:

Impostazione Profilo

You don’t need to move anything. We will do the job for you. You can even leave the computer at the door. We will pick up the computer and leave you a donation document.


Vedere i suoi Appuntamenti

Your old computer is in good hands, and so is your data. We will delete everything (so don’t forget to back up before pick up). Then we will fix and upgrade, and voilà, a brand new computer is born.


Chiamata Audio / Video

Once a computer is ready, we are on our way to making a kid happy. The package will include a computer, accessories, and complete technical support.


Invia feedback a Pazienti

Once a computer is ready, we are on our way to making a kid happy. The package will include a computer, accessories, and complete technical support.


Pianificazione Appuntamenti

Once a computer is ready, we are on our way to making a kid happy. The package will include a computer, accessories, and complete technical support.


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©ZENYTH 2022